
With all of the new regulations and campaigns against vaping advocacy is more important than ever. The PMTA process that every Electronic Nicotine Delivery System or e-liquid has to go through, the almost crushing state and local taxes that are being enacted throughout the country, and now the PACT Act preventing the shipping of vaping products. These are the things the advocacy groups are trying to keep from destroying our industry.

Advocacy is simply the act of giving public support for or recommending a particular cause. In simple terms it’s letting your voice and opinion be heard on a particular issue. By writing a letter to your representatives, making a call to their offices, or even simply signing a petition you can add your voice and help keep this industry alive.

The importance of Advocacy is that alone we cannot influence policy or change government. One person or business cannot defeat the corporations or interest groups that are trying to ban flavors, or regulate the vaping industry into extinction. However, one person adding their voice to others can create movement. The more people that stand up and say “this is what I want in my America,” the more of a difference we can make. Please take the time to visit some of the groups listed below that are all fighting to keep vaping legal and easily accessible to adults 21 years and older. Together we can make a difference.


Virginia Smoke Free Association

The V.S.F.A aligns efforts with industry advocacy and harm reduction organizations to bridge gaps between the state and federal level. Our media outlets were created for the purpose of providing easy access for members to news articles, alerts, scientific research studies, pending legislation and educational materials associated with the vaping industry. We are proud to be founding members!

Vapor Technology Association

The Vapor Technology Association represents the manufacturers, wholesalers, small business owners and entrepreneurs who have developed innovative and quality vapor products, providing adult consumers with a safer alternative to traditional combustible products. VTA and its members are leaders in the vapor community, promoting small businesses and job growth, responsible public policies and regulations, and a high standard of safety within the industry.

E-Cigarette Research

The updated website is the official scientific blog of Dr Konstantinos Farsalinos. The purpose of the website is to present science, evidence and research news about electronic cigarettes and tobacco harm reduction. Dr Farsalinos clearly supports that electronic cigarettes should be used as smoking substitutes, by smokers unwilling or unable to quit smoking with currently approved medications. Electronic cigarettes should not be used by non-smokers because there is no need to expose themselves to an unecessary risk (even if it may be a low risk). Dr Farsalinos encourages smokers and vapers to follow this website, read the evidence and make informed decisions.

This website is not supported financially (or by any other means) by any commercial entity related to electronic cigarette, tobacco or pharmaceutical industry. 

“Smoke Free Alternatives 

Trade Association“

As the largest and leading trade association in the vapor industry we are committed to its’ continued growth and expansion. We represent the interests of the non-big tobacco supply chain, including manufacturers, online retailers, brick and mortar vape stores, distributors, importers and wholesalers.

“The Consumer Advocates for


Alternatives Association”

The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) is collecting success-story testimonials from smokers who used smoke-free alternatives to quit or reduce their smoking. The testimonials are posted on their web page for everyone to see.


“The Vaping Militia“

The Vaping Militia is committed to protecting the rights and health of vapors by advocating for safe public use of personal vaporizers. We strongly believe and promote peaceful and professional activism/advocacy.



The American Vaping Association is a nonprofit organization that advocates for small- and medium-sized businesses in the rapidly growing vaping and electronic cigarette industry. We are dedicated to educating the public and government officials about financial and public health benefits offered by vapor products, which are battery-powered devices that heat a liquid nicotine or nicotine-free solution and create an inhalable vapor.